Abe, T. K., Galang, I., Daryani, A., Minamikawa, S., Mochioka, N. and Hakoyama, H. 2023. Regional differences in oceanic migratory behavior of Japanese silver eel in waters with different vertical temperature gradients. Animal Biotelemetry 11: 27
Faulks, L., Kaushik, P., Taniguchi, S., Sekino, M., Nakamichi, R., Yamamoto, Y., Fujimori, H., Okamoto, C., Kodama, S., Daryani, A., Manwong, A., Galang, I., Mochioka, N., Araki, K., Suzuki, M., Kaji, Y., Ichiki, T., Matsunaga, T. and Hakoyama, H. 2022. Inferring the Demographic History of Japanese Eel (Anguilla japonica) from Genomic Data: Insights for Conservation and Fisheries Management. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 32: 1092-1098
Yada, T., Abe, M., Kaifu, K., Yokouchi, K., Fukuda, N., Kodama, S., Hakoyama, H., Ogoshi, M., Kaiya, H., Sakamoto, T., Moriyama, S. and Tsukamoto, K. 2020. Ghrelin and food acquisition in wild and cultured Japanese eel (Anguilla japonica). Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular and Integrative Physiology 245: 110700
Chow, S., Imai, T., Ikeda, M., Maki, S., Oonuki, T., Muto, F., Nohara, K., Furusawa, C., Shichiri, H., Nigorikawa, N., Uragaki, N., Kawamura, A., Ichikawa, T., Ushioda Kentaro,., Higuchi, M., Tega, T., Kodama, K., Itoh, M., Ichimura, M., Matsuzaki, K., Hirasawa, K., Tokura, K., Nakahata, K., Kodama, S., Hakoyama, H., Yada, T., Niwa, K., Nagai, S., Yanagimoto, T., Saito, K., Nakaya, M. and Maruyama, T. 2018. A DNA marker to discriminate two types of freshwater shrimp Palaemon paucidens and the distribution of these two types in Japan. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi 84: 674-681
Kodama, S., Fujimori, H. and Hakoyama, H. 2017. Allometric analysis of a morphological anti-predator trait in geographic populations of Japanese crucian carp. Scientific Reports 7: 41943
Hakoyama, H., Fujimori, H., Okamoto, C. and Kodama, S. 2016. Compilation of Japanese fisheries statistics for the Japanese eel, Anguilla japonica, since 1894: a historical dataset for stock assessment. Ecological Research 31: 153--153 http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11284-015-1332-9
Hakoyama, H. 2015. Prediction, evidence, and model building. Japanese Journal of Ecology 65: 197--202 (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2015. Purpose of the special issue. Japanese Journal of Ecology 65: 155--156 (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2015. An introduction to model selection for prediction. Japanese Journal of Ecology 65: 157--167 (in Japanese)
Shirotori, Y., Yamaguchi, M., Ikuta, K., Murakami, M. and Hakoyama, H. 2006. Spawning habitat selection and suitability for Japanese dace, Tribolodon hakonensis. Journal of Ethology 24: 285--289
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 2005. Extinction risk of a meta-population: aggregation approach. Journal of Theoretical Biology 232: 203--216
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 2004. Coexistence of a sexual and an unisexual form stabilized by parasites. Journal of Theoretical Biology 226: 185--194
Satake, A., Iwasa, Y., Hakoyama, H. and Hubbell, S. P. 2004. Estimating local interaction from spatiotemporal forest data, and Monte Carlo bias correction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 226: 225--235
Hakoyama, H. 2003. The ideal free distribution when the resource is variable. Behavioral Ecology 14: 109--115
Hakoyama, H. and Iguchi, K. 2002. Male mate choice in the gynogenetic--sexual complex of crucian carp, Carassius auratus. acta ethologica 4: 85--90
Hakoyama, H. and Iguchi, K. 2001. Transition from a random to an ideal free to an ideal despotic distribution: the effect of individual difference in growth. Journal of Ethology 19: 129--137
Hakoyama, H., Nishimura, T., Matsubara, N. and Iguchi, K. 2001. Difference in parasite load and nonspecific immune reaction between sexual and gynogenetic forms of Carassius auratus. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 72: 401--407
Hakoyama, H., Matsubara, N. and Iguchi, K. 2001. Female-biased operational sex ratio of sexual host fish in a gynogenetic complex of Carassius auratus. Population ecology 43: 111--117
Iguchi, K., Matsubara, N. and Hakoyama, H. 2001. Behavioural individuality assessed from two strains of cloned fish. Animal Behaviour 61: 351--356
Hakoyama, H., Iwasa, Y. and Nakanishi, J. 2000. Comparing risk factors for population extinction. Journal of Theoretical Biology 204: 327--336
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 2000. Extinction risk of a density-dependent population estimated from a time series of population size. Journal of Theoretical Biology 204: 337--359
Iwasa, Y., Hakoyama, H., Nakamaru, M. and Nakanishi, J. 2000. Estimate of population extinction risk and its application to ecological risk management. Population Ecology 42: 73--80
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 2000. Bias-corrected estimator and confidence intervals based on the Monte Carlo method. Japanese Journal of Biometrics 20: 143--154
Hakoyama, H. and Iguchi, K. 1997. The information of food distribution realizes an ideal free distribution: support of perceptual limitation. Journal of Ethology 15: 69--78
Katano, O. and Hakoyama, H. 1997. Spawning behavior of Hemibarbus barbus (Cyprinidae). Copeia 1997: 620--622
Hakoyama, H. and Iguchi, K. 1997. Why is competition more intense if food is supplied more slowly? Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 40: 159--168
Hakoyama, H. and Sakamoto, W. 1995. Pink salmon migration in relation to sea surface temperature and day-length in the open sea. Bulletin of the Japanese Society of Scientific Fisheries 61: 137--141 (in Japanese with English synopsis)
Hakoyama, H., Le Boeuf, B. J., Naito, Y. and Sakamoto, W. 1994. Diving behavior in relation to ambient water temperature in northern elephant seals. Canadian journal of zoology 72: 643--651
Hakoyama, H. 2024. Cooperation in resource management and research throughout East Asia. In: Tanaka, M. and Mochioka, N., editor(s), Searching for the spirit of eels: The Japanese Eel Readings: Toward a Future of Coexistence, , pp . karansha, Fukuoka
Okazoe, N., Faulks, L. and Hakoyama, H. 2023. Resources. In: Tsukamoto, K., Kuroki, M. and Watanabe, S., editor(s), Eel Science, , pp 253--267. Springer, Singapore
Hakoyama, H. 2018. Asexual Reproduction. In: The Ichthyological Society of Japan., editor(s), The Encyclopedia of Ichthyology, , pp 208--209. Maruzen Co., Ltd., Tokyo
Katano, O., Hakoyama, H. and Matsuzaki, S. 2015. Japanese inland fisheries and aquaculture: Status and trends. In: Craig, J. F., editor(s), Freshwater Fisheries Ecology, 3. Freshwater resources, pp 231--240. Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford
Hakoyama, H. 2013. Ideal despotic distribution. In: Ueda, K., Okanoya, K., Kikusui, T., Sakagami, T., Tsuji, K., Tomonaga, M., Nakajima, S., Hasegawa, T. and Matsushima, T., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Ethology, pp 553. Tokyo Kagaku-Dojin, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2013. Ideal free distribution. In: Ueda, K., Okanoya, K., Kikusui, T., Sakagami, T., Tsuji, K., Tomonaga, M., Nakajima, S., Hasegawa, T. and Matsushima, T., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Ethology, pp 553. Tokyo Kagaku-Dojin, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Statistical modelling. In: Society of Evolutionary Studies, J., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Evolution, 27, pp 868--869. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Mathematical modelling. In: Society of Evolutionary Studies, J., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Evolution, 27, pp 867. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Bayesian method. In: Society of Evolutionary Studies, J., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Evolution, 27, pp 869--871. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Analysis of ecological data. In: Society of Evolutionary Studies, J., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Evolution, 27, pp 864--866. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2009. Conservation biology and extinction risk. In: Hironaka, H. and others., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Mathematical Sciences 2nd edition, pp 251--253. Maruzen Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2003. Migration. In: Iwasa, Y., Matsumoto, T., Kikuzawa, K. and the Ecological Society of Japan., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Ecology, 4. Behavioural ecology, pp 60--61. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2003. Attractive and repulsive interactions among individuals. In: Iwasa, Y., Matsumoto, T., Kikuzawa, K. and the Ecological Society of Japan., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Ecology, 4. Behavioural ecology, pp 168--169. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2003. Ideal free distribution. In: Iwasa, Y., Matsumoto, T., Kikuzawa, K. and the Ecological Society of Japan., editor(s), Encyclopedia of Ecology, 4. Behavioural ecology, pp 554. Kyoritsu Shuppan Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2003. Risk of overfishing. In: Nakanishi, J., Gamo, M., Kishimoto, A. and Miyamoto, K., editor(s), Handbook of environmental risk management, 7-6-3, pp 324--329. Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2003. Coexistence of sexual and asexual form of Funa fish. In: Nakajima, Y. and Karino, K., editor(s), Social behavior of fishes 2, pp 85--111. Kaiyusha, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Iwasa, Y., Hakoyama, H. and Nakamaru, M. 2002. Extinction risk of natural populations. In: Kusuda, T. and Iwasa, Y., editor(s), Ecosystem and Simulation, 2-2, pp 31--45. Asakura Publishing Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2013. Maximum likelihood estimates of population parameters from missing data by an EM algorithm and an MCMC method. RIMS K{^o}ky{^u}roku (Theory of Biomathematics and Its Applications IX, Organizer Kazunori Sato), 1853, pp 166-171. Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Kyoto University,, Kyoto (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2010. Population management of great cormorants: compromise between fish-eating birds and fisheries. Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi, 76, pp 718. The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Extinction risk assessment. Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment, 24, pp 279--282. Japan Society on Water Environment,
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Resource assessment of Snow crab in Okhotsk Sea. Shigen hyoka taisei kakuritsu suisin jigyo houkoku sho---examples---, pp 170--175. Japan Fisheries Resource Conservation Association, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Iwasa, Y., Hakoyama, H., Nakamaru, M. and Nakanishi, J. 2001. Ecological risk estimate of toxic chemicals based on population extinction. Proceedings of the 4th International Workshop on Risk Evaluation and Management of Chemicals (Organizer Junko Nakanishi), 4, pp 97--104. Yokohama National University, Yokohama
Iwasa, Y., Hakoyama, H., Nakamaru, M. and Nakanishi, J. 2000. Management of toxic chemicals based on the estimate of population extinction risk.. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Risk Evaluation and Management of Chemicals (Organizer Junko Nakanishi), 3, pp 141--148. Yokohama National University, Yokohama
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Ecological risk assessment and feedback management based on the time-series data of the catch per unit effort. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Risk Evaluation and Management of Chemicals (Organizer Junko Nakanishi), 3, pp 265--268. Yokohama National University, Yokohama
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 1999. Ecological risk assessment: bootstrap estimates of the extinction risk based on a stochastic model. Proceedings of the 2rd International Workshop on Risk Evaluation and Management of Chemicals (Organizer Junko Nakanishi), 2, pp 117--127. Yokohama National University, Yokohama
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 1998. Ecological risk assessment by extinction probability. Kaiyo, 30, pp 217--223. Ocean Publishers, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. and Iwasa, Y. 1998. Ecological risk assessment: a new method of extinction risk assessment and its application to a freshwater fish (Carassius auratus subsp.). Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Risk Evaluation and Management of Chemicals (Organizer Junko Nakanishi), 1, pp 93--110. Yokohama National University, Yokohama
Iwasa, Y. and Hakoyama, H. 1997. Population stochasticity and extinction risk assessment. Biodiversity and Conservation, 9, pp 106--114. Shokabo Co., Ltd., Tokyo (in Japanese)
Iwasa, Y. and Hakoyama, H. 1997. Mathematical Models for Conservation Biology. Kaiyo, 29, pp 309--314. Ocean Publishers, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1996. Research trends in the ideal free distribution. Japan Ethological Society, NEWSLETTER, 28, pp 29-36. Japan Ethological Society, Kyoto (in Japanese)
Technical Reports
Hakoyama , H., Faulks, L. and Task Team 2. 2023. Interim report based on The 1st Online Workshop of Eel Task Team 2: Tracking the spawning migration of eel species: challenges and ways forward for Japanese eel. , , Ueda, Ngano, Japan
Faulks, L., Hakoyama , H. and Task Team 1. 2023. Interim report based on The 1st Online Workshop of Eel Task Team 1: Progress and challenges for the collection and analysis of long-term time-series data on Japanese eel. , , Ueda, Ngano, Japan
Hakoyama, H., Faulks, L., Kodama, S., Okamoto, C., Fujimori, H., Daryani, A. and Sekino, M. 2022. Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica. Current status of international fishery resources in 2021, Fisheries Research Agency, Tokyo
Hakoyama, H., Takahashi, D., Woo, J., Hirabayashi, K., Nishii, Y., Sawada, Y. and Inano, T. 2021. Research Report on the Establishment of Joint Usage and Research Centers Centered on Local Public Universities. Watanabe Memorial Association for the Promotion of New Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H., Okamoto, C., Fujimori, H., Daryani, A., Manwong, A., Sekino, M. and Kurogi, H. 2021. Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica. Current status of international fishery resources in 2020, Fisheries Research Agency, Tokyo
Hakoyama, H., Abe, T., Taniguchi, S., Kaushik, P., Kodama, S., Fujimori, H., Okamoto, C., Daryani, A., Manwong, A., Galang, I. and Kurogi, H. 2020. Japanese Eel, Anguilla japonica. Current status of international fishery resources in 2019, Fisheries Research Agency, Tokyo
Kurota, H., Yasuda, T., Fukuwaka, M. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Japanese anchovy. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Ueda, Y., Kishida, T. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Snow crab. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hamatsu, T. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Kichiji rockfish. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Fukuwaka, M. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Yellowback seabream. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Yosho, I. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Alaskan pink shrimp. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Takahashi, M. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Japanese Spanish mackerel. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Fujiwara, K. and Hakoyama, H. 2015. Check sheet for the extinction risk assessment of Flathead flounder. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2015. Survey of the sustainability of marine fishes: Japanese eel. Research report on Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2014. Software for extinction risk assessment (Dennis model). The 1st meeting for the extinction risk assessment of fisheries resource: Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2014. Software for extinction risk assessment (Hakoyama and Iwasa model). The 1st meeting for the extinction risk assessment of fisheries resource: Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2014. Maximum likelihood estimation with missing data. The 1st meeting for the extinction risk assessment of fisheries resource: Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2014. Extinction risk assessment of Fisheries Resources: Overview of quantitative criteria E. The 1st meeting for the extinction risk assessment of fisheries resource: Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2014. PVA Manual. The 1st meeting for the extinction risk assessment of fisheries resource: Fisheries Promotion Project based on Biodiversity, Fisheries Agency of Japan, 2014, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Mathematical analysis of coexistence conditions of exotic fish and native fish, population estimation, and extermination method. Report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish - harmful exotic fish extermination manuals and research reports -, pp 49--52. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Elucidation of the breeding conditions of bluegill, and development of a method to exterminate exotic fish by releasing sex-reversed individuals. Report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish - harmful exotic fish extermination manuals and research reports -, pp 53--56. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Research on the coexistence mechanism of Funa fish. Research report on Kaken grant C in 2011, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2012. Elucidation of the breeding conditions of bluegill, and development of a method to exterminate exotic fish by releasing sex-reversed individuals. 2011 report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish, Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H., Yada, T. and Minamikawa, S. 2011. A study on the direction of research for the resource management of Japanese eel. Research report on the FRA's grant project, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2011. Research on the coexistence mechanism of Funa fish. Research report on Kaken grant C in 2010, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2011. Research of selective fish movement by the adjustment of weir height and water depth for the spread prevention of exotic fish. Research report for Kasen Seibi Kikin, River Foundation, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2011. Research on the maintenance mechanism of clone polymorphism of Funa Fish. Research report on the FRA's grant project, 2010, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2011. Elucidation of the breeding conditions of bluegill, and development of a method to exterminate exotic fish by releasing sex-reversed individuals. 2010 report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish, pp 22--32. Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2010. Development of the management model that takes into account the sustainability of cormorants and feeding-damage mitigation. Development of methods to control fishery damage by cormorants. Final research report for the project; 2007 sentan gijutsu wo katsuyou sita norin suisan kenkyu koudoka jigyo. 2008--2009 aratana norin suisan seisaku wo suisin sure jitsuyou gijyutu kaihatsu jigyo, pp 67--77. Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2010. Research on the maintenance mechanism of clone polymorphism of Funa Fish. Research report on the FRA's grant project, 2009, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2010. Research on the coexistence mechanism of Funa fish. Research report on Kaken grant C in 2009, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2010. Mathematical analysis of coexistence conditions of exotic fish and native fish, population estimation, and extermination method. 2009 report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish, Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2009. Research on the coexistence mechanism of Funa fish. Research report on Kaken grant C in 2008, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2009. Research on the design of ecological networks for the conservation of endemic freshwater fish. Research report for the research grant for global environmental conservation, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, 2008, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2009. Development of the management model that takes into account the sustainability of cormorants and feeding-damage mitigation. Development of methods to control fishery damage by cormorants. 2008 research report for the project; aratana norin suisan seisaku wo suisin sure jitsuyou gijyutu kaihatsu jigyo, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2009. Mathematical analysis of coexistence conditions of exotic fish and native fish, population estimation, and extermination method. 2008 report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish, Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2008. Establishment of the system for the monitoring and resource management of Japanese eel. 2008 Naisui men kankei siken kenkyu suisin kaigi, sigen-seitaikei hozen bukai and youshoku bukai, pp 76--81. Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2008. Development of the management model that takes into account the sustainability of cormorants and feeding-damage mitigation. Development of methods to control fishery damage by cormorants. 2007 research report for the project; sentan gijutsu wo katsuyou sita norin suisan kenkyu koudoka jigyo, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2008. Research on the design of ecological networks for the conservation of endemic freshwater fish. Research report for the research grant for global environmental conservation, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, 2007, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2008. Design of ecological networks for the conservation of endemic freshwater fish. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH in JAPAN, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, Tokyo
Hakoyama, H. 2008. Studies on the breeding cycle and population dynamics of crucian carp. 2006--2007 research report for the FRA project grants, Fisheries Research Agency, Yokohama (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2008. Mathematical analysis of coexistence conditions of exotic fish and native fish, population estimation, and extermination method. 2007 report for the research project on the repression and management of exotic fish, Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Ecological networks of endemic freshwater fish: Connection of lake, river, and paddy field. the 80th annual meeting of Zenkoku Kosho Kasen Youshoku Kenkyu Kai, pp 21--27. Tochigi Prefecture, Tochigi (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Design of ecological networks for the conservation of endemic freshwater fish. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH in JAPAN, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, Tokyo
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Design of habitat in conservation---the sustainability of metapopulation. Research report on Kaken grant C in 2006, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Studies on the breeding cycle and population dynamics of crucian carp. 2006 research report for the FRA project grants, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Study of the method for extermination of exotic fish by simulation. Report for Kenzen na naisui men seitaikei fukugen tou suisin jigyo (study on Bluegill impact such as feeding damage), pp 281--295. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Study of the method for extermination of exotic fish by simulation. 2006 study report for Bluegill impact such as feeding damage, Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2007. Research on the design of ecological networks for the conservation of endemic freshwater fish. Research report for the research grant for global environmental conservation, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, 2006, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2006. Study of the method for extermination of exotic fish by simulation. 2005 study report for Bluegill impact such as feeding damage, Fisheries Research Agency, NRIFS, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2006. Research on the population dynamics of Funa fish. Research report for the seeds grant, 2005, Fisheries Research Agency, Ueda (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2006. Design of habitat in conservation---the sustainability of metapopulation. Research report on Kaken grant C in 2005, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2006. Design of ecological networks for the conservation of endemic freshwater fish. ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH in JAPAN, Ministry of the Environment Government of Japan, Tokyo
Oozeki, Y., Kubota, H., Shimizu, H., Takasuka, A., Hakoyama, H. and Ishii, M. 2005. Japanese anchovy: Pacific Ocean, 2004. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 550--573. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2005. Risk-based management for sustainable fisheries. Research report on Kaken young grant B in 2004, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Oozeki, Y., Kubota, H., Shimizu, H., Takasuka, A., Hakoyama, H. and Ishii, M. 2005. Japanese anchovy: Pacific Ocean, 2004. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan vol.2, pp 550--573. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Oozeki, Y., Kubota, H., Kimura, R. and Hakoyama, H. 2005. Depreciation rate estimation of saury larval fish by site tracking method. Annual report of the Research Meeting on Saury Resources, 53, pp 174--178. Tohoku National Fisheries Research Institute, Fisheries Research Agency, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2004. Risk-based management for sustainable fisheries. Research report on Kaken young grant B in 2003, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2003. Risk-based management for sustainable fisheries. Research report on Kaken young grant B in 2002, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Yabuki, K., Honda, S. and Hakoyama, H. 2002. Annual Statistical Report of Hokkaido Offshore Trawl Fisheries by fishing method and by fishing ground, 2000. Kisenren, (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2002. Development of population dynamics model of walleye pollock. Development of the prediction method of the population dynamics of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 2001 / Elucidation of the impact of environmental change on biological productivity and fisheries resources, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Alaskan pink shrimp: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 151--152. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Yellow striped flounder: Okhotsk and West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 691--705. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Alaskan pink shrimp: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 793--800. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Pacific cod: Okhotsk, South Hokkaido, and West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 53--54. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Red snow crab: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 288--296. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Red snow crab: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 49--50. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Snow crab: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 43--44. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Yellow striped flounder: Okhotsk and West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 131--132. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Snow crab: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 242--246. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Snow crab: Okhotsk. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 37--38. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Pacific cod: Okhotsk, South Hokkaido, and West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 304--312. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2001. Development of population dynamics model of walleye pollock. Development of the prediction method of the population dynamics of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 2000 / Elucidation of the impact of environmental change on biological productivity and fisheries resources, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Research Council, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Yabuki, K., Honda, S. and Hakoyama, H. 2000. Annual Statistical Report of Hokkaido Offshore Trawl Fisheries by fishing method and by fishing ground, 1999. Kisenren, (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Red snow crab: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 49--50. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Yellow striped flounder: Okhotsk and West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 133--134. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Yellow striped flounder: Okhotsk and West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 517--524. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Snow crab: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 198--201. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Snow crab: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 43--44. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Red snow crab: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 228--235. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Snow crab: Okhotsk. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 37--38. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Pacific cod: Okhotsk, South Hokkaido, and West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 53--54. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Alaskan pink shrimp: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 155--156. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Snow crab: Okhotsk. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 169--176. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Pacific cod: Okhotsk, South Hokkaido, and West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 241--247. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 2000. Alaskan pink shrimp: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 580--583. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Alaskan pink shrimp: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 148--149. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Snow crab: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 36--37. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Red snow crab: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 294--301. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Yellow striped flounder: Okhotsk and West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 2, pp 661--667. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Yellow striped flounder: Okhotsk and West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 122--123. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Snow crab: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 165--170. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Snow crab: Okhotsk. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 36--37. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Red snow crab: West Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 42--43. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Bastard halibut: West and South Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 425--431. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Pacific cod: Okhotsk, South Hokkaido, and West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 313--320. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Bastard halibut: West and South Hokkaido. Digest version of the assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, pp 70--71. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Snow crab: Okhotsk. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 1, pp 149--164. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1999. Alaskan pink shrimp: West Hokkaido. Assessment of fishery resources in waters around Japan, 2, pp 313--320. Fisheries Agency of Japan, Tokyo (in Japanese)
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Hakoyama, H. 1992. Elephant seals can dive over 1500m deep. Doubutu tachi no Chikyuu, 51, pp 71. The Asahi Shimbun Company, Tokyo (in Japanese)
Hakoyama, H. 1992. Amazing population recovery of the northern elephant seal. Anima, 4, pp 36--39. Heibonsha Limited, Publishers, Tokyo (in Japanese)